Identify Books In Pursuance Of Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch

Original Title: Die hässliche Herzogin
ISBN: 3462011227 (ISBN13: 9783462011227)
Edition Language: German
Characters: Duchess Margarete of Tyrol
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Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch Paperback | Pages: 213 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 467 Users | 23 Reviews

Describe About Books Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch

Title:Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch
Author:Lion Feuchtwanger
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 213 pages
Published:December 1976 by Kiepenheuer und Witsch (first published 1923)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. European Literature. German Literature. Classics. Fiction. Novels. Literature

Narration In Favor Of Books Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch

Dutch translation of "Die hässliche Herzogin" ("The Ugly Duchess" in English)

I'm done! I'm free!
This book was SO promising! It had everything one would need for an awesome historical novel; it plays in the 14th century, in countries about which there are not too many novels, and has some amazing characters about, to my knowledge, there are no or almost no other novels. Duchess Margarete of Tyrol is an amazing subject for a book; she inherited her fathers land and ruled over them, was respected depsite her apparently bad looks, got divorced against the popes will and was in the middle of big political drama over several lands (of which a map would have been much appreciated). There are also several other intersting characters, most with fun quirks. How adorable is her grown son Meinhard with his pet dormouse, for instance? The description of Frauenberg is also nicely done.
So just 1 star? Yes. I expected this to be 4, but it quickly dropped to 3, 2, then 1. My problem as that I felt we never really got to know the characters, and never really got a feeling of being in the place where they were. It all felt really flat to me. It started off well enough with the part about Margarete's father, whom we got to know a little, but quickly goes downhill with sentence upon sentence about politics, names, lands... all very confusing and, pardon me for repeating, flat. I also had the idea that a lot of commas must have turned into dots in the dutch translation (though I can't check or prove this suspicion) - Germans love long sentences with loads of commas, but there were none to be found here. The sentences often just did not flow, and often seemed like half sentences. It just went boom boom boom fact fact fact.
The last part of the book does deserve 2 stars perhaps as it has a lot of Meinhard and the despicable Frauenberg, but it seriously lacks our subject Margarete. I so wanted to get to know her, but I never did. It would appear to me she deserves better.
I feel weird for taking down a classic like this, but I really did not enjoy this read.

p.s. I'm sorry, I have to add in one more complaint; I think it is normal for historical novels if the characters believe in fairies and witches and the like as that's what people did. And if the novel has witches in it, they're bound to see spirits, I get that, the story calls for it. But in this most serious of novels, all about politics, the main character does not only believe in gnomes.... she also sees and hears them! What is that all about?! It really does not fit in!

Rating About Books Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch
Ratings: 3.82 From 467 Users | 23 Reviews

Assessment About Books Die hässliche Herzogin Margarete Maultasch
Meine Lieben hier nun eine kurze Rezension aus der Rubrik Schöner Scheitern an und mit Klassikern heute: Die hässliche Herzogin von Lion Feuchtwanger.Die Geschichte handelt von der Herzogin Margarete, die nach dem Tod ihres Vaters, Heinrich von Tirol, der ohne männlichen Erben gestorben ist, seine Nachfolgerin werden soll. Mit zwölf Jahren wird sie mit dem um einige Jahre jüngeren Johann von Luxemburg verheiratet. Liebe ist das natürlich nicht. Es gibt ein hin- und her um Macht und Einfluss

A story of Middle Age duchess Margarete Maultasch (i.e. "thick-lipped" (German)).Great picture of a feudal division and twists and turns and ups and downs of Bavarian, Tyrol and Luxemburg princedoms and their struggle for the priority and power in Western Europe. Ugly duchess Margarete of Tyrol played a significant role in politics and economy of Tyrol and Bavaria - she managed to shift the priority from knight "tournier" to the trade and town empowering.Really great reading though one can see

Margarete 'Maultasch' of Tyrol, you kick-started my love for awesome historical women. Theophanu and Olympias should thank you, darling. <3

Great book.Important study of Medieval Times, before Game of Thrones was popular.

Поначалу роман вызывал мой бурный восторг, я думала, что автор сейчас нам расскажет, что безобразная герцогиня была хорошей правительницей, а её не оценили, или что-нибудь наподобие. Автор же излишне романтизировал историю, поставил в центре противостояние двух женщин и всё скатилось в унылое ничто. Маргарита даже не умная, она получилась какая-то никакая. Просто страшная женщина и никчёмная правительница, как героиня и не стоит ничего. Зачем было и начинать писать о зависти одной женщины к

Очікувала від цієї книги більшого... Історія повністю розчарувала. Та що там, взагалі не зацікавила. Дратують постійні описи зовнішності Маргарити з уживанням одних і тих же слів. Мораль: Народишся красивою - будеш щасливою. Принаймні, так я зрозуміла.

Interesting novle about an unlovable character, full of twist, medieval setting