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Original Title: Good Morning, Holy Spirit
ISBN: 0785271767 (ISBN13: 0020049071762)
Edition Language: English
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Good Morning, Holy Spirit Paperback | Pages: 204 pages
Rating: 4.37 | 6444 Users | 193 Reviews

Narration Supposing Books Good Morning, Holy Spirit

“He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but He who is seeking the glory of the One who sent Him, He is true, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” -- John 7:18

The above quote is Jesus speaking in the temple during the festival of booths. We have no record of Jesus boasting of his deeds, instead, he always pointed to the Father. When a pastor or leader is boastful of his own works, beware.

“But may it never be that I would boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through [a]which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.” Galatians 6:14

Also Paul, when he wrote to the Galatians said: Don’t allow me to boast in anything, but the cross of Jesus. Again, biblical behavior leads us to boast of Jesus, not our own deeds.

I dislike the arrogance that comes through in this book. It seems that when one truly becomes immersed in the Holy Spirit, as Paul and Jesus certainly were, they become humble, and emphasize God, rather than their own achievements. They set aside human agendas and opinions for God’s agendas and opinions. If you are going to read this book, be ready reject the emotionalism, boastfulness and false teaching.

I dislike an emphasis on “hyper emotional” religion. If you are looking for something to “make you tingle all over” (a phrase used several times in this book) perhaps you are looking for an experience not a relationship.
While there are emotional and experiential aspects to religion, a fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians is self–control. If one is out of control, they are not acting under the Holy Spirit's guidence.
Some people are prone to ups and downs, and to depression. If you base your religious beliefs on feelings, as soon as you have a down day you think that God has left you. God promises, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5

Also, Benny Hinn describes the Trinity as being like the sun, divided into 3 elements: sun, light and heat. This is misleading. The Trinity is made up of 3 distinct persons, as described at the baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17.

You may be interested to know that Benny Hinn raised money for a private jet, and has made many false predictions. He predicted a mass ressurection of the dead in ’99, he has predicted the end of the world a couple times, the death of Fidel Castro, and the destruction of the homosexual community in the US. There are Youtube videos of these predictions, although I didn’t watch them.

So my final evaluation: Ignore Benny Hinn and his teaching. Which is what I plan to do from now on.

Be Specific About Of Books Good Morning, Holy Spirit

Title:Good Morning, Holy Spirit
Author:Benny Hinn
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 204 pages
Published:May 7th 1997 by Thomas Nelson Publishers (first published February 28th 1990)
Categories:Christian. Religion. Christianity. Nonfiction. Spirituality. Christian Living. Faith

Rating Of Books Good Morning, Holy Spirit
Ratings: 4.37 From 6444 Users | 193 Reviews

Judge Of Books Good Morning, Holy Spirit
Book was awesome at explaining the holy spirit and gave me great wisdim/comfort... i did get lost a time or two though cause its mire informative vs exciting ... obviously its not fiction lol

Created a desire to know the Holy Spirit more.

This book was an eye opener for me. It has helped me be more sensitive towards the Holy Spirit. I am truly amazed at how personal and powerful the spirit is. This book has changed the way I approach and pray to God.

This book gave me a great understanding of the need for God's Holy Spirit. He is not some force but a person whom God has sent to help me in my daily walk. I need Him if I'm going to grow and live successfully as a Christian. The first time I read I had misunderstood something about the book. But, I reread recently and I am completely blessed by the ministry of God's Holy Spirit and the privilege of access to Him.

This is not just a book, this is a journy with the Holy Spirit itself! i Loved it, every page really makes you evaluate your commitment with God. Also you see how much Benny Hinn went through before becoming the successful man that he is today. I recommend it to new christians as well as old ones this is the kind of book that every christian needs to read at least once in their life!

A great book. Powerful in realizing the Holy Spirit as a person and a friend. I want to read this again.

Intimate relationship with Jesus begins when we invite Him to be our best friend and have Him in our everyday moments. Just loved the intense liberty that Hinn expresses about God being love, perfection and someone who is always present, who is waiting for us to ask Him to have the day with. I don't remember when was the first time I've read this book. But I missed the Hinn's words once again. I will "eat" this book in about 2 days.